Mount Calm Independent School District Home

Home of the Panthers

Mission Statement

*We unite our community through cultivating
        respectful relationships.
*We empower students, providing learning
        experiences that foster creativity and innovation.
*We inspire each other to make a difference every
        day to increase positive student outcomes.

Recent News

Pic of Jay Underwood

Lone Finalist

At a special-called Board meeting on February 24, the Mount Calm ISD Board of Trustees voted to name Jay Underwood as the Lone Finalist for Superintendent.

Athletic Schedule this week

This week's sports schedule
MONDAY: Varsity Baseball in Avalon, game starts at 4:30 PM.
JH Track in Abbott, Meet begins at 3 PM
THURSDAY: Varsity Baseball in Bluff Dale tournament, Game starts at 11 AM.
HS Track in Bosqueville, Meet begins at 2:30 PM
FRIDAY: Varsity Baseball in Bluff Dale tournament, 1st game is at 11 PM and 2nd game is at 4 PM


Due to illness and in an effort to prevent further spread, school will be closed tomorrow and Friday, January 30th and 31st. This time will also allow us to conduct a deep cleaning of the school. We hope everyone has the opportunity to rest and recover. School will reopen on Monday, February 10th. Take care and Go Panthers!


At a Glance

  • 10:1 Student Teacher Ratio
  • 97% Attendance Rate
  • 13 Sports Teams
  • 100% Graduation Rate
  • 97% Of Students Participate In Extra Curricular Activities
  • 14 Years Of Average Teacher Service
